Zimbabwe Legal Age of Majority Act 1982

Is a pregnant girl under the age of 18 considered an emancipated minor in Zimbabwe? That is, they do not need parental consent when using maternity services? If so, to which legal instrument does it refer? Zimbabwean women may not have been as oppressed as Saudi women, but they were in the same league in terms of legal status and skills. Among other things, Saudi women cannot apply for passports or travel abroad without the consent of their male guardian, and they can be arrested and sent home if they flee domestic violence. Once a person reaches the legal age of their state, they can enter into legally enforceable agreements. Minors do not have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract. However, an agreement entered into when a person was a minor may be ratified, expressly or tacitly, upon reaching the age of majority, so that it becomes valid and enforceable. The legal age of majority is different from the legal age of license. The legal driving age is the minimum age a person must reach to legally participate in certain activities, such as drinking alcohol, voting or driving. The minimum legal age of license varies by activity and jurisdiction and may, but is not mandatory, coincide with the legal age of majority. Giving women legal status angered many men because they saw it as a threat to patriarchy. Majority status means that women no longer depend on men for almost everything. By Miriam Tose Majome One of the bold steps taken by Zimbabwe`s first post-independent parliament was the passage of the Legal Age of Majority Act in 1982, known as LAMA. Is a pregnant girl under the age of 18 considered an emancipated minor in Zimbabwe? That is, they do not need parental consent when using maternity services? If so, to which legal instrument does it refer? Women incarcerated in US prisons suffer shameful levels of rape, abuse and medical neglect, according to a report released by Amnesty International in March. The report, titled Not Part of My Sentence, notes that the growing female prison population is groped during searches, tied up during childbirth and voyeurized by male guards.

Minnesota, which is generally considered a progressive state, does not prohibit sexual contact between male guards and female prisoners by law. The report cites twelve other states where such contact is not illegal, as well as specific cases of abuse in California, Arizona and Chicago. For further information: Amnesty International USA, 322 Eighth Avenue, 1st Floor, New York NY 10001 USA. Fax: 212-627-1451; E-Mail-ltorpey@aiusa.org. Women participated in the parliamentary elections on 3 September. If they were not allowed to vote, enough liberal members were elected to form a majority – if their votes were added to those of the members appointed by the emir – to enshrine the edict in law. The impact on women`s lives is explained in this booklet through cartoons. According to a draft law in Egypt, a woman will be able to obtain a divorce, even against the husband`s objections, in exchange for a sum of money or land to her husband, the value of which will be determined by a judge, thus avoiding the lengthy legal proceedings that are now necessary when she files for divorce. Feminist lawyer Ghada Nabil welcomed the law, but stressed that only a minority of women could benefit from it: “Most women in this position own nothing.

Moreover, the law does not change the essential inequality of a system in which men can still obtain divorce by rejection, while women must go to court and prove the reasons or pay it under the new law. Women prisoners in US prisons suffer shameful levels of rape, abuse and medical neglect, according to a report released by Amnesty International in March. The report, titled Not Part of My Sentence, notes that the growing female prison population is groped during searches, tied up during childbirth and voyeurized by male guards. Minnesota, which is generally considered a progressive state, does not prohibit sexual contact between male guards and female prisoners by law. The report cites twelve other states where such contact is not illegal, as well as specific cases of abuse in California, Arizona and Chicago. For more information: Amnesty International USA, 322 Eighth Avenue, 1st Floor, New York NY 10001 USA. Fax: 212-627-1451; E-Mail-ltorpey@aiusa.org. Kuwaiti women will occupy active and public office when the new parliament ratifies a ministerial decree issued in May.

The edict fulfills a long-standing promise of equality made by the emir after the Gulf War. More than fifteen years ago, Zimbabwe became a beacon for the world by passing a law abolishing women`s minority status in its various legal systems. The Legal Age of Majority Act (LAMA), passed in 1982 shortly after independence, provided that all Zimbabweans – women, men, Africans, whites – would attain full adult status at the age of eighteen, “for all purposes, including customary law”. As a product of the Independence Revolution, LAMA was revolutionary in itself in addressing the central problem of discrimination against women under African customary law: their utter inability to act as legally recognized adults capable of owning property, entering into contracts, and making legally enforceable decisions without men`s consent.